
feb 22 ~ verona ~ city ~ part 1

waking up to a beautiful day... our first destination was scarpa's bank (part 2), then the arena/coliseum (part 3)... then castel vecchio (part 4)... and lastly the roman theatre (part 5):
bridge beside castel vecchio, beautiful view
main piazza in verona ~ possible where the montagues and capulets fought?
juliets house/balcony and figure, notice where everyone touches her?

the roman theatre behind me... (where the arches are)
the boys
the best part to being in italy is: gelato every day!!! (1 euro ~ what a deal)
i got tired after an tire day.. and climbing the mountain behind the roman theatre... i got a piggy back ride... thx matt :P
dinner at a restaurant in what is romeo's house!!!! (this is fresh pasta with duck sauce.. yum)
horse meat :)

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